Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life in China

Dear Family,
Today is Saturday and I have to stop, while I have a couple of minutes, to jot down some of my thoughts from the week.
It has been a very rewarding week!
I decided that the reason, and the only reason, we are in China, is to teach the Chinese students English..... S O, I have been really encouraging my students to come to our apartment and talk to us on a one to one. It has proved to be such a blessing and a real learning experience - not for the students, but for us!!!!!!
Rog had his little student - Judy - come by the apartment several days ago and she is such a sweetie... We invited her to eat homemade chicken noodle soup and she was so excited,grateful and gracious. She raved about how good it was ( I don't really know if it was all that good!) We offered to help her prepare for a big oral English test she will take in Shanghi in the Spring and she was most appreciative. Then, Rog had a meeting that afternoon and one of my students called me and wanted to meet,to give me a photo of himself for my records. I met him and invited him to come to the apartment and talk. What a great time we had. "King Lee' has a very hard time speaking English - he has very crooked teeth and that is part of his problem. He is such a sweet, kind person and SO willing to learn. We talked and I noticed many English words that he just could not say...
Before we left the USA, I purchased some flash cards for small children that are titled" Phonics"and" Ready for School" As I sat listening to King Lee try to speak, I thought of those flash cards and I grabbed them. We went through the 85 cards, three times and I was amazed at how much better he could say simple words such as "row" after just the 3 times. And, he was so pleased with himself. WHAT a rewarding experience for me!!! To watch him attempt to say simple words and struggle and gradually to watch him gain confidence. He was here 2 hours, and when he went back to his apartment he was practically jumping, he felt so confident in his speech. Now, I tell this - not to boast, but to show how taking time and genuinely caring about someone really affects their self confidence. In class, he won't even try to say some words, but on a one to one basis, he tries! I felt 10 feet tall as he left our apartment, because he was so jubilant. I must say that my prayers are being answered when I interact with people like King Lee.....
Then, last night Simon called and ask if he and "Never" could drop by the apartment. Of course, the answer was "yes". Simon, Never, Edward and Jordan, the only girl, arrived and stayed for a delightful 2 hours. They were SO cold, as the weather has turned very cold the past two days. They do not have any heat in their dorms yet either. But, at least we have a couple of portable space heaters, to take the chill off the apartment. They were so amazed that our apartment was so warm and Chinese looking. It was delightful to talk on a more intimate setting than the classroom. I will encourage all the students to come to our apartment in small groups - it really makes a difference in boosting self confidence and ease around Americans. How very blessed Roger and I are - we have so very much and we can keep warm and eat warm food. These students are so very happy and light hearted and they make us feel like we are so important to them. Such respect for us and our positions as teachers and grandparents as well. They are very special and we feel it is an honor to know them and see them daily. I just dread (ALREADY!) leaving this place. Each student has
such an appreciation for us and they show us such love by every action and deed. In the classroom they help me with my lesson materials, they erase the chalkboard for me and they want to walk me out of the building after class.
One thing that really puzzles my students is why I am always so happy. I would give anything to tell them about the gospel. But I also know that example is a great teacher and they will one day realize my real "secret" to happiness! I know, without any doubts, that one day they will have the gospel presented to them. They are already meek and mild as well as humble and loving and kind. Family means everything to them and they are so concerned for the welfare of others. I will always have an overwhelming love for them. And, as I have said before, I will never be the same person I was before coming to China.... I am a much better person because of the experiences I am having here.
Also, there are a couple more things I want to record about China which I overlooked in a previous email. Today as we boarded the bus to RT market we noticed the usual bus driver and his behavior and we had to laugh. They always jerk the riders all over the bus. They are quick to start off, as soon as the riders get on the bus - even before the passengers find a seat and this causes people to trip and fall all over each other. And.... when we come to a stop light, the driver turns the bus motor OFF.! And we sit there, at the stop light until it changes.Then the driver turns the motor back on, and jerks us forward as he guns the engine, until someone pulls in front of him or another traffic light appears... It is so comical..
In RT mart today, we picked up some cookies to purchase. When we got to the check out stand, the cashier noticed that the cookies did not have a price on them. Of course, neither one of us understood each other. Well, I was going to go back and get another package of cookies with a price on, but there were others in the same check-out line and I couldn't get past them to get another package of cookies. The cashier tried to find someone to get another package and one guy looked at him and told him "no". AND the cashier would not take our word on the price of the cookies - so he just set them aside and we didn't get the cookies... No question - we were just not permitted to get those cookies if they did not have a price on them..... It was funny, and we had to laugh.
I have rattled on and on and I must close for now. I will write more tomorrow or the next day.
Much love to all,

1 comment:

erikhalladay1 said...

No cookies huh? That pretty funny. I love to hear all your experiences. I was just picturing you with the little student and his flash cards. That was really neat. I bet he will never forget that day!

we love you,