Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fun Letter From a Student...

Dear Roger,
I do think that you can read this mail today. I am very sorry and have to tell you I can not take part in your classes tomorrow morning.
My two right fingers were hurt on Thusday. Don't worry ,It was not serious very much ,but actualy made me painful . The doctor of universty hospital told me to change the bandage and check again tomorrow morning .So I have to go there when you enjoy the class.
By the way , my 5 Journals will be taken to you by Strong or another guy . Finally , I don't know how to exprss my sorry


Hello Jeremy,
and I am very sorry to hear that you have hurt two fingers on your right hand. I hope that they will heal quickly and that you will be back doing your regular things and be able to attend your classes. I am sorry that you will not be there tomorrow to our class, but fully understand that you need to go see the doctor and get your bandage taken care of.
I wish you well and appreciate your letting me know about your hand. I hope that the pain you experienced was not too great and has now gone away!


Dear Roger,
Thanks for your understanding . Please allow me not to write a note for absence , because it's hard to write for me now .My fingers can not bend freely.
I am sorry trouble you so much and get my job down .
And thank you for all wishes .Everything could be better.


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